The Greek words for repentance in the New Testament are primarily metanoeo (34 times) and metanoia (22 times). These words have the meaning of “changing one’s mind.” Another word-group that refers to repentance is strepho and epistrepho which has the meaning “to turn” and “to turn about” (both are usually translated as “convert” or “be converted”). Metamelomai, meaning “to become concerned about afterwards” is also used with regard to repentance. These word-groups convey the idea of a person going one direction, having a change of mind, turning, and going the opposite direction.[6]
The message of repentance is how both John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus start their ministry with (Matt. 3:2; 4:7). Both call the people to turn back to God and prepare themselves for the Kingdom. Repentance forms an important part of the Lord Jesus’s ministry that He starts His ministry with the message of both repentance and faith for he says “repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). Thereby He means that people should turn away from sin and turn toward God and believe the good news He is now preaching. The following picture clearly represents the two aspects of true repentance:
That repentance is indeed a grace and a gift from God may be seen in 2 Timothy 2:25 where Paul says that “God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth”. Repentance is thus something that is dependent on and given by God. It is not something that we simply make ourselves do. It does not originate with us, as is the case with faith also. We are given faith and repentance by God and we exercise His gifts. God does not believe and repent for us, but we do believe and repent. Notice also that Paul says that God “may perhaps” grant repentance which leads the opponents of the gospel to the truth. Thereby, Paul makes their salvation (which is referred to by “knowledge of the truth”) totally dependent on “perhaps” God willing to grant them repentance. According to John Calvin, God granting repentance gives us hope and confidence:
Since the conversion of a man is in the hand of God, who knows whether they who today appear to be unteachable shall be suddenly changed by the power of God, into other men? Thus, whoever shall consider that repentance is the gift and work of God, will cherish more earnest hope, and, encouraged by this confidence, will bestow more toil and exertion for the instruction of rebels. We should view it thus, that our duty is, to be employed in sowing and watering, and, while we do this, we must look for the increase from God. (1Co 3:6.) Our labors and exertions are thus of no advantage in themselves; and yet, through the grace of God, they are not fruitless.[7]
In Acts 5:31 we read that Christ was exalted “to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.” From Acts 3:19, we see that the forgiveness of sins is dependent and connected with repentance and therefore, I understand Acts 5:31 to teach that Christ the Lord saves and forgives sins by giving repentance and faith (which we here argued for as well). Another text is Acts 11:18 wherein the Jewish believers upon hearing about th...