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The Staunch Calvinist

"Absolute sovereignty is what I love to ascribe to God." - Jonathan Edwards


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1689 Baptist Confession Chapter 28: Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper - Commentary



  1. ^ Many Scriptural references have been supplied by Samuel Waldron’s Modern Exposition of 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith which was apparently supplied by the Westminster Confession of Faith 1646.
  2. a, b A. H. Strong. Systematic Theology: A Compendium Designed For The Use Of Theological Students. (London: Pickering & Inglis, 1970. Originally, 1907). p. 930.
  3. ^ Summarized from Sacraments. Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide.
  4. ^ Bob Carr. The London Baptist Confession of Faith | Exposition of Chapter 28.

1689 Baptist Confession Chapter 30: Of the Lord's Supper - Commentary

...embrance of me.

(1 Corinthians 11:24-25)



  1. ^ Many Scriptural references have been supplied by Samuel Waldron’s Modern Exposition of 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith which was apparently supplied by the Westminster Confession of Faith 1646.
  2. ^ John L. Dagg. A Manual of Church Order. (Harrisonburg, VA: Sprinkle Pub. 2012, originally 1858). p. 211.
  3. a, b Benjamin Coxe. A Thesis Or Position Concerning The Administering And Receiving Of The Lord’s Supper Cleared And Confirmed. 1642.
  4. ^ Thomas R. Schreiner, “The Lord’s Supper in the Bible” in Baptist Foundations: Church Government for an Anti-Institutional Age. Ed. Mark Dever, Jonathan Leeman. (Nashville, Tennessee: B&H Publishing Group. 2015. Ebook). Chapter 6.
  5. ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church: With Modifications From The Editio Typica. (Double Day; 2nd edition, 2003). p. 370, number 1330.
  6. ^ Ibid., p. 395, number 1413.
  7. ^ Ibid., p. 371, number 1333.
  8. ^ Ibid., p. 395, number 1414.
  9. ^ Ibid., p. 381, number 1367. The ellipsis is original.
  10. ^ Wayne Grudem. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. (Zondervan, 1994). pp. 992-993.
  11. ^ Robert L. Dabney. Systematic Theology. (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1985). p. 802.
  12. ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church, p. 389, number 1390.
  13. ^ Dabney, Systematic Theology. pp. 816-817. Roman numerals substituted.
  14. ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church, p. 385, number 1378.
  15. ^ Ibid., p. 371, number 1333.
  16. ^ Ibid., pp. 383-384, number 1374.
  17. ^ Ibid., p. 385, number 1377.
  18. ^ Dabney, Systematic Theology. p. 806.
  19. ^ Dagg, Church Order. pp. 210-211.
  20. ^ Dabney, Systematic Theology. p. 803.
  21. ^ Ibid., p. 805.
  22. ^ Ibid., pp. 806-807.
  23. ^ Grudem, Systematic Theology. p. 950.
  24. ^ Louis Berkhof. Systematic Theology. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Banner of Truth Trust. 1963). p. 655.
  25. ^ John Calvin. Commentaries. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  26. ^ Matthew Poole. English Annotations on the Holy Bible. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  27. ^ Philip Schaff. A Popular Commentary on the New Testament. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  28. ^ John Gill. Exposition of the Entire Bible. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.

1689 Baptist Confession Chapter 31: Of the State of Man after Death and Of the Resurrection of the Dead - Commentary

...49;να θά

(1 Corinthians 16:22)



  1. ^ Many Scriptural references have been supplied by Samuel Waldron’s Modern Exposition of 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith which was apparently supplied by the Westminster Confession of Faith 1646.
  2. a, b, c, d Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  3. ^ Louis Berkhof. Systematic Theology. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Banner of Truth Trust. 1963). p. 673
  4. ^ Ibid., p. 670.
  5. a, b Matthew Poole. English Annotations on the Holy Bible. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  6. ^ Sam E. Waldron. A Modern Exposition Of The 1689 Baptist Confession Of Faith. (Darlington: Evangelical Press, 2013). p. 496.
  7. ^ Ibid., pp. 497-498.
  8. ^ William G. T. Shedd. Dogmatic Theology. Volume II. (Originally published 1888). pp. 626-627.
  9. ^ Anthony A. Hoekema. The Bible And The Future. (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1979). p. 99.
  10. ^ Shedd, Dogmatic Theology II. p. 639.
  11. a, b, c, d, e, f, g Joseph Henry Thayer’s Greek Definitions. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. See reference for the Strong’s number.
  12. ^ Anthony A. Hoekema. The Bible And The Future. (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1979). p. 164, n. 3.
  13. ^ Bob Utley. You Can Understand the Bible: Study Guide Commentary Series. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  14. ^ Charles J. Ellicott. Commentary For English Readers. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  15. ^ John Gill. Exposition of the Entire Bible. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc. 
  16. ^ Hoekema, The Bible and the Future. p. 241. Words within square brackets are mine.
  17. ^ William D. Mounce. Dictionary. ἀποκατάστασις.
  18. ^ Dean Davis. The High King Of Heaven: Discovering the Master Key to the Great End Time Debate. (Enumclaw, WA: Redemption Press, 2nd Printing 2014). p. 601.
  19. ^ G. K. Beale, David H. Campbell. Revelation: A Shorter Commentary. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. 2015). p. 22.
  20. ^ Sam Storms. Kingdom Come: The Amillennial Alternative. (Fearn, Scotland: Mentor. 2013). pp. 432-433.
  21. ^ Beale, Revelation. p. 346.
  22. ^ William Hendriksen. More Than Conquerors: An Interpretation Of The Book Of Revelation. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. 1967). pp. 179-180
  23. ^ Davis, High King of Heaven. pp. 473-474.
  24. ^ Hoekema, Bible and the Future. p. 229. Words within square brackets are his.
  25. ^ Kim Riddlebarger. A Case For Amillennialism: Understanding The End Times. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 2013). p. 229.
  26. ^ Henry Alford. The Greek Testament. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  27. ^ Beale, Revelation. p. 440.
  28. ^ Storms, Kingdom Come. p. 452.
  29. ^ Hoekema, Bible and the Future. p. 236.
  30. ^ Ibid., p. 236, n. 14.
  31. ^ Flavius Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews, book 18.1.4. Also Wars of the Jews, book 2.8.14.
  32. ^ John MacArthur. The MacArthur Study Bible: English Standard Version. (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2010). p. 1970.
  33. a, b Vern Poythress. The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation.
  34. ^ Beale, Revelation. p. 441.
  35. a, b, c Meredith G. Kline. The First Resurrection.
  36. ^ Davis, The High King of Heaven. p. 493. Words within square brackets are mine.

1689 Baptist Confession Chapter 32: Of the Last Judgment - Commentary

... has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”

 (Acts 17:31)


  1. ^ Many Scriptural references have been supplied by Samuel Waldron’s Modern Exposition of 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith which was apparently supplied by the Westminster Confession of Faith 1646.
  2. a, b, c, d John Gill. Exposition of the Entire Bible. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  3. ^ John Calvin. Commentaries. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  4. a, b, c, d Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  5. ^ Alan W. Gomes. Evangelicals and the Annihilation of Hell Part One. Bible Research.
  6. a, b Jonathan Edwards. The Eternity of Hell’s Torments.
  7. ^ The Pulpit Commentary. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  8. a, b Robert A. Peterson. The Dark Side of Eternity: Hell as Eternal Conscious Punishment. Christian Research Institute.
  9. ^ Charles J. Ellicott. Commentary For English Readers. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  10. ^ G. K. Beale, David H. Campbell. Revelation: A Shorter Commentary. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. 2015). p. 305.
  11. ^ As quoted in Alan W. Gomes. Evangelicals and the Annihilation of Hell Part One.
  12. ^ Robert L. Dabney. Systematic Theology. (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1985). p. 854.
  13. ^ Charles Hodge. Systematic Theology: Volume 3: Soteriology. (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers. 1999, originally 1872). p. 877.
  14. ^ As quoted in Stephen E. Alexander, Flaws in the Arguments for Annihilationism.
  15. a, b Alan W. Gomes. Evangelicals and the Annihilation of Hell Part Two. (Bible Research, 1991). Footnote references removed.
  16. ^ Hodge, Systematic Theology. p. 3:874.
  17. ^ Thayer’s Greek Lexicon in Bible Hub, 575. apo.
  18. ^ Jamieson, Fausset, Brown. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Full). Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  19. ^ Johann Albrecht Bengel. Gnomon of the NT. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc.
  20. ^ Heinrich Meyer. Critical and Exegetical NT. Taken from the TheWord Bible Software. In loc. Words within square brackets supplied.

Review of Dean Davis' The High King of Heaven on Amillennialism

...Daniel. There was no discussion of Antiochus Epiphanes IV, as if he had nothing to do with Daniel. He takes a futuristic approach and departs from the traditional First Advent Interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27 to a radical interpretation.

He takes a blended prophecy approach to the Olivet Discourse. Believers that most of the signs did indeed occur in the first century, but lays very little stress on those. Insists that Matthew 24:29-31 is referring to the visible Parousia of our Lord, but I believe that Sam Storms made a very compelling case (at least for me) for the partial-preterist interpretation of Matt 24:1-35.

Fun and eschatologically irrelevant disagreement is his Westminster Federalism on the covenants, haha.


This is a great work, definitely a comprehensive book on eschatology going head to head with the difficult passages used to argue for premillennialism and offering an amillennial interpretation which Christ and Church centered and within the two-staged Kingdom model.

I have learned many things and I will no doubt be going back to the book and re-reading and re-checking some portions.

Go get it for yourself, I believe you will be challenged in your views.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Soli Deo Gloria


  1. ^ Visit his blog where he has a lot of good stuff, audio teachings, charts, diagrams on Amillennialism at  https://amillennialism.wordpress.com 
  2. ^ See my commentary on chapter 1 of the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689. https://www.thecalvinist.net/post/1689-Baptist-Confession-Chapter-1:-Of-The-Holy-Scriptures/1020 
  3. ^ Kingdom Come: The Amillennial Alternative, pages 451-465.
  4. ^ The Bible and the Future, pages 229-238
  5. ^ Joseph Henry Thayer's Greek Definitions, G3952
  6. ^ Joseph Henry Thayer's Greek Definitions, G602
  7. ^ Joseph Henry Thayer's Greek Definitions, G2015