The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges likewise comments on this passage saying that “This is a strong instance of what is called anthropomorphism, an expression descriptive of human emotion or action ascribed to Jehovah (e.g. Gen 3:8, Gen 7:16, Gen 8:21). Such expressions have often given rise to superficial criticisms, depreciatory of Holy Scripture, on the part both of those who are ignorant of Oriental literature, and of those who assume that the Books of Holy Scripture must be free from the literary characteristics of the writers’ age and nationality. In this verse Jehovah is represented as intensely grieved at the frustration of His purposes for the human race. The description is given in the childlike simplicity of the language of an early age: compare Gen 11:5-6; Gen 18:21.”[16] Moses was not trying to say that God was surprised by the course of actions and now He seeks to change His plan. But rather, He merely describes and speaks about God’s disapproval of human wickedness and His plan to wipe out man from the earth because of their sin. He describes God’s course of action in a human way—in a way that even a child can understand, much like the references given in the above commentary.
1 Samuel 15
Another passage that I want to look at is found in 1 Samuel 15. Both 1 Samuel 15:11, 35 say that God “regretted” (ESV) or “repented” (KJV) making Saul king over Israel. Does this mean that God now realizes that He did not make a wise choice in giving Saul as a prince over Israel? Who would dare make such an accusation of God? Yet some profane men are making such accusations against the Glory of Israel. They believe that God hoped that Saul would have been a good king, but He was sadly disappointed. But such is not the God of the Bible, as we have seen. He is the Immutable Sovereign over all things. How are these two passages to be interpreted? They should be interpreted in light of the clear teaching already established that God does not change His mind (Num. 23:19). But wait. I have forgotten to mention what v. 29 of the same chapter says, “And also the Glory of Israel will not lie or have regret, for he is not a man, that he should have regret.” This statement occurs in the same chapter where we twice read that God regretted making Saul king (vv. 11, 35). For the unbeliever, this is a clear contradiction in the Bible, but for the believer, that cannot be. Moreover, the Hebrew words used in these verses are all the same. Therefore, there is a sense in which God regrets or repents, but He does not. Notice that two things common to man are completely denied to God: lying and having regret. For someone to say that God sometimes repents or regrets, must by necessity also say that God sometimes lies. The parallelism simply requires such a connection, but the Bible denies the possibility that God can lie (Titus 1:2; Heb. 6:18), therefore, He cannot change His mind as well.
It seems to me that vv. 11, 35 speak of God repenting, relenting or regretting from a human point of view, while v. 29 unambiguously declares that He, in fact, does not repent, relent, or have regret. J.P. Lange comments on v. 10, saying, “The repentance of God is the anthropopathic [attribution of passions to God] expression for the change of the divine procedure into the opposite of what the holy and righteous will of God had determined under the condi...